3 Tips to Analyze Payer Reimbursement for DME

A few things in life are exceptionally easy and straightforward. Unfortunately, purchasing things such as splints, prosthetics, and durable medical equipment ( DME ) – and figuring out which orthotics are covered by insurance – isn't so cut and dried. In fact, a ton can turn out badly with regards to orthotics and prosthetics billing. Thus, to make sure your patients get with they need – and you get paid what you merit – stick to the accompanying rules. The information beneath alludes to how Medicare reimburses for prosthetics and orthotics and doesn't necessarily reflect how commercial payers repay for these medications. At the same time, many commercial insurance payers align themselves with Medicare policies, so this should fill in as a decent general guide. For prosthetics, Medicare reimbursement includes evaluation, fitting, parts and labor, repairs due to normal wear or tear within the initial 90 days of the delivery date, and adjustments made during the fitting and wi...