Avoid These Common Coding Mistakes in Your Family Practice with a Medical Billing Partner
Operating costs were listed as the top concern for medical practices in 2013; however, billing and payment hurdles also kept physicians on their toes. Family practitioners also raced to keep up with changes in CPT codes which proved extremely challenging, especially for providers with weak profit margins. The majority of revenue for a typical family practice comes from the submission of ICD-9 and CPT codes to third-party payers. Therefore, it becomes essential to code accurately for every single service to receive timely payments during family practice billing. Coders while carrying out family practice billing need to have a firm grasp on standard primary care coding because, unlike other specialties, family practices keep facing a variety of patient problems. Time is required to study the CPT manual and documentation guidelines for accurate coding for error-free practice billing. An updated CPT manual will have to be ordered every year to make provide...