2022 Revised Codes for Principal Care Management
In the Final Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) for 2022 issued on November 2, 2021, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) added five new CPT codes in the categories of Chronic Care Management (CCM) and Principal Care Management (PCM) and increased reimbursement for already existing codes in the same categories. These codes are like chronic care management services in that the work involves the establishment, implementation, revision, and monitoring of a care plan for a patient. However, principal care management focuses on a single condition (rather than two or more). In the year 2022, Medicare will accept CPT codes 99424, 99425, 99426, and 99427, and discontinue HCPCS codes G2064 and G2065. 2022 Revised Codes for Principal Care Management CPT 99424: Principal care management services, for a single high-risk disease, with the following, required elements: one complex chronic condition expected to last at least 3 months, and that places the patient at...