Know your DME HCPCS Codes

In DME medical billing, your DME coders require correct HCPCS codes along with correct modifiers that are used for providing more details about the equipment. If your medical coders are unable to use modifiers or not using them in the correct manner, then the claims may get denied by the insurance company. Some common DME modifiers include RR- rental, UE- purchase of used equipment, and NU- purchase of new equipment.

When a laboratory demand, request for DME is being filled, medical coders will be needed for ICD-10 codes for a patient’s diagnosis.

To use an appropriate HCPCS code for the DME item, many HCPCS codes need a modifier. Modifiers are used to provide more details about the DME item. e.g. The modifier might indicate to HMSA that an item is new, rented on a capped basis, or rented. For capped rentals, modifiers differentiate which month’s rental is being billed.

If your billers use these modifiers incorrectly then the claim will be rejected. To speed up this process of your claims, show the first-month rental by adding the appropriate modifier code and bill your claims in successive order. 

To get more information about DME HCPCS Codes click here: Get in touch with us at: 888-357-3226. 


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